Staying in Touch

How would you like us to communicate with you? 

Please let us know your preferred communication methods by selecting from the options below:

Core Credit Union respects your privacy, please take a moment to tell us how to stay in touch.

Annual Report
I would like to receive a paper version of the Annual Report by mail
Satutory Notices
I agree to receive statutory notices (e.g. Notice of Annual General Meeting, deposit guarantee letter) via electronic communication.

Marketing Communications

We occasionally have exciting new products and promotions to share with you. Please select the methods you prefer to receive these messages. You can choose as many or as few as you like, or none at all!
Please Tick
If you would like to receive our regular Ezine, please opt-in.

Your Details:

Please provide your contact details below so we can update your records:
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

You can withdraw your consent at any time. Details available in our Privacy Statement on our website.

Other necessary communications

Sometimes, we need to contact you about a product or service that is not marketing or a statutory notice. We aim to minimise both financial and environmental costs by using the most efficient channel available. For example, sending an email is more environmentally friendly and cost-effective than sending a letter by post.