Do your children know the importance of saving? Of earning cash by helping with chores, and behaving? if their dream is to own a toy plane, a boat or a fish… If they save up their money, they might just get their wish!
Opening a children’s savings account is important for your child’s future. It means teaching them life skills like planning, budgeting and money management, as well as the value of work.
Core Credit Union visits local schools on a weekly basis., you can join the Money club any time by asking the Credit Union representative in your school for an application form, or by asking the school office. Please call us on 01 2725600 for a list of participating schools.
Once we receive a fully completed application form either online or directly to any of our Core Credit Union branches:
- Each child recieves a savings card which serves both as their membership card and a weekly receipt
- If your child already has an account with Core Credit Union they keep their original account number but still recieve a savings card to be able to participate at school
- A credit union official visits the school on a weekly basis to collect savings money – please contact us on 01 2725600 for individual school days & times
- To withdraw money drop into any one of the 5 Core Credit Union offices
- Your child will be entered into members only annual raffles and competitions