Member Death Benefit Indemnity (mDBI) is a new low cost opt-in €3,000 Death Benefit Indemnity for Members, with no declaration of health needed.
For just €104 per annum (effective 1/1/2025) Members can opt-in for €3,000 Death Benefit cover.
Who is eligible to join the Programme?
You are eligible to join the Programme if you:
- are between the age of 6 months and 71 years;
- continue to be a member of the Credit Union;
- are, or were, covered by the Credit Union’s Life Savings Insurance Programme and opted to join this programme prior to one of the pre-agreed enrolment periods;
There is no declaration of health needed for this insurance, but there is a 6 month waiting period, this means that if the Member dies from a pre-existing condition/illness in the 6 months following the commencement of cover no benefit will be paid.