The Core Credit Union dlr Community 5K returns in full force on the 10 October at 2pm.
Now in its 7th year, it has become a landmark event for the County. More than 1,400 people ran, jogged, walked or rolled the 5km scenic route around Kilbogget Park, Ballybrack last year and numbers look set to rise again for 2015.
Taking place during the ‘Festival of Inclusion’, this annual 5km event prides itself on being fully-inclusive, suitable for all ages, abilities and fitness levels. With a DJ on hand to add to the electrifying atmosphere, each participant receives a t-shirt at sign-in and refreshments on crossing the finish line. Children taking part in the event will also each receive a medal.
The Core Credit Union dlr Community 5K is organised by dlr Sports Partnership and a range of local agencies who are delighted to now have Core Credit Union as title sponsor. Funding support is also provided by the HSE and Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council.
Shane McArdle, Coordinator with dlr Sports Partnership, commented ‘the popularity of this fantastic event can be easily measured by the increase in numbers every year from the 130 participants we had back in 2009. This is a community event; people want to return each year because of the fun and family atmosphere that is generated.’
Places are limited so it’s important to book yours today. Register online at or return a completed registration form which is available by phoning 01 271 9502.
For more information contact dlr Sports Partnership by email or by phone on 01 271 9502.